Wednesday, May 21, 2008

watch this

this, my crazy fei lun hai fans, is for you.

They new JAPANESE song Fei Lun Hai. I love pretty boys as much as the next girl. But when they are as VAPID, and as STONED as Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn (that's what the fei lun hai boys call themselves! They have a freakin' season to themselves!!!! *gaggag*) in this video, I pretty much want to give up hope on them.

I love Jiro, I really do, he's a great actor (a little over the top, but always cute when doing that) BUT WHY?! Why torture yourselves but singing in a language that you DON'T CARE ABOUT! From the way the over enunciated the words in the MV, it's pretty obvious that they will pretty much crash and burn in the Japanese market. It's nice that you want to sing in a language other than your own, to branch on internationally and all that. BUT AT LEAST BE SINCERE!


They make they lyrics sound so... so.. eargh.

If you want a song, where a foreigner sings. Listen to Crucify My Love, by X-Japan. That, that is a beautiful song. That song despite his slight mispronouciations of the english language, he manages to let his sincerity and gorgeous voice SHINE through the song. (ew, like some fan like that.)

What i mean to say is, in simple terms that don't require me to talk too much is: They rock, you pebble.

Just to clear things up, I like Farenheit, I just don't like them singing something they can't sing.

- go ahead, judge me they way i judge them -

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