Pastor Kong brought up this really interesting science experiment. (well, it's pseudoscience, but whatever, it's all greek to me!)
Dr. Masaru Emoto,
his surname by the way, totally fits this experiment, I'll explain later.
Dr. Emoto has found out that human emotion, vibration, thoughts, words, energy, ideas and music affects the molecular structure of water.
By the way, humans are made up of around 70% to 60% of water.

Plus water's kinda known as the cradle of life is it not? Plus, fetus-es (or fetai or whatever) are surrounded by water when in their mother's womb! Which shows just how important his discovery was!
Here's the official connection of water to his study (WARNING: very studious and yawn worthy!): Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.
Enough of the bore, basically it means that the environment affects water.
The Experiment
Dr. Emoto took pictures of frozen water under a microscope to look at the shapes of the molecules and this is what he found out.
Based on PLACE

Biwako Lake, the largest lake at the center of Japan and the water pool of the Kinki Region. Pollution is getting worse.
Now this is the coolest one ever.

The water after a woman After the water was prayed over
had committed suicide
*gasp* how cool is that?! the water snowflake looks GORGEOUS after the prayer!
water affected by MUSIC

Beethoven's Pastorale

See! Even music affects the water. Isn't it pretty? I love the Kawachi one, looks like a flower.
Water affected by WORDS
You know what's the funniest thing about these? He didn't SPEAK the words, he just pour the water into a glass bottle and stuck the words around the bottle facing the water! So it was like he was letting the water READ it.

"Arigato - Thank You"
Then there's this one which is pretty cool too! (plus I'm just posting the snowflake cause I think it's adorable)

Isn't that amazing!
Then there's this one which is pretty cool too! (plus I'm just posting the snowflake cause I think it's adorable)

Isn't that amazing!
In short, this shows how words can change a person. The environment around a person is really important don't you think? So next time when you're around a little kid, be all sunbeams and flowery.
If you're wondering why I'm talking like that, it's cause I'm feeling a bit depressed. So sunshine and happy thoughts are needed to keep me going.
Oh, did you catch the reason why Dr. Emoto's name suits the experiement?
ANSWER: because of the "Emo" in his name! EMOTION geddit? hahahhaha....
- 18 years of the panda and counting -
If you're wondering why I'm talking like that, it's cause I'm feeling a bit depressed. So sunshine and happy thoughts are needed to keep me going.
Oh, did you catch the reason why Dr. Emoto's name suits the experiement?
ANSWER: because of the "Emo" in his name! EMOTION geddit? hahahhaha....
- 18 years of the panda and counting -
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