Sunday, June 29, 2008
Dunno what got into me man. Must have been like the anger bug or something. So ridiculous. I lost my cool over the slightest thing.
If you wanna hate me, i don't blame you. BUT PLEASE DON'T. I'll just DIE. Seriously. I'll be sad. T.T
Enough of the mopey-talk. JIHAN AND ROSEMARY ARE BACK. Woohoo. All the overseas people are coming back. So fun. Been waiting a damn long time.
Speaking of overseas, I've been wanting to go overseas to study. I have chosen the place, and what I'm going to study and everything. All that matters now, is the cost.
University of Western Australia (I pray they take me in if NTU doesn't), and I want to do: Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies) majoring in either, Japanese, English, Classics and Ancient History, or Music.
But that is only if I get rejected at NTU. Which i sense a very high chance of happening. Oh but the pain of the MONEY. MONEY!!
People want to get an honest education also cannot. Must have money. So ridiculous. And the goverment wants us to do lifelong learning. Pfft..
- oh the joy of studying -
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
googling and the Zohan"
I'm really anxious about waking up early tomorrow to select the elective. (to me, early is 10am) So this dumb and dumber part of me decided that maybe, just maybe, I can stay up past tomorrow morning and stay up till 10!
Crazy right. And I've got filming tomorrow too.
So i googled the username, and I found one of my blogposts on ANOTHER blog-site! See in my old blog there was this entry about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (I was like, all excited about it coming up so I blogged this SUPER long post about it with all the hairy details) this OTHER blog posted my post! With of course, crediting me!
So now, I scream. In despair. Why didn't he/she tell me about linking me earlier! Now. Forever it is lost. I can never reveal my glory-days of blogging about my first true love. *lovelorn sigh*
Ah well. No point whining right? I watched Don't Mess With the Zohan.
I spent the entire FIRST half of the movie thinking, "oh god. The Zohan has a codpiece the size of godzilla!" IT STUCK OUT SO OBSCENELY! Adam Sandler is a good actor. If he was a lousy one. He'd better be thankful they put so much effort in dragging the audiences attention to his ringadingding. You'd barely notice his facial expressions if not for the sounds emitting from his strangely distorted mouth when he is upset.
I can't stop thinking about it.
Air-pumped? Or Styrofoam filled? HAHA
Then in the middle of the movie. He revealed his salami to his fellow hairdresser, who said, "it's not that big." and he replied, "Not that! The bush! The bush! It is biggg!" LIKE OH MY GOD. So the thing that was pushing his frontal jewels away from his thighs was HAIR. Thick. Obscenely disgusting, HAIR.
Graci and I were like screaming.
Oh the shame Zohan! The SHAME!
- The Zohan bangs grannies -
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The average IQ of an 18 year old female
I've scored... 107 =( Isn't that like borderline stupid?! *sigh sigh*
No! No! It's impossible! I shall try again.
HAH HAH! - Free IQ Test
See, I knew I wasn't that stupid. (I hope this is accurate though)
But I was quite scared when i saw this table:
Table 1 - Practical Significance of IQ
| | Frequency | | Options |
| | >1% below 30 | Illiterate | Unemployable. Institutionalized. |
| | >1% below 50 | 1st-Grade to 3rd-Grade | Simple, non-critical household chores. |
| | 1.5% below 60 | 3rd-Grade to 6th-grade | Very simple tasks, close supervision. |
| | 5% below 74 | 6th-Grade to 8th-Grade | "Slow, simple, supervised." |
| | 25% below 89 | 8th-Grade to 12th-Grade | Assembler, food service, nurse's aide |
| | 50% below 100 | 8th-Grade to 1-2 years of College. | Clerk, teller, Walmart |
100 to 111 | | 1 in 2 above 100 | 12th-Grade to College Degree | Police officer, machinist, sales |
111 to 120 | | 1 in 4 above 111 | College to Master's Level | Manager, teacher, accountant |
120 to 125 | | 11 in 10above 120 | College to Non-Technical Ph. D.'s. | Manager, professor, accountant |
125 to 132 | | 1 in 20 above 125 | Any Ph. D. at 3rd-Tier Schools | Attorney, editor, executive. |
132 to 137 | | 1 in 50 above 132 | No limitations. | Eminent professor, editor |
137 to 150 | | 1 in 100 above 137 | No limitations. | Leading math, physics professor |
150 to 160 | | 1 in 1,100 above 150 | No limitations | Lincoln, Copernicus, Jefferson |
160 to 174 | | 1 in 11,000 above 160 | No limitations | Descartes, Einstein, Spinoza |
174 to 200 | | 1 in 1,000,000 above 174 | No limitations | Shakespeare, Goethe, Newton |
it's from
At least I can fulfill my dreams of writing. So FREAKY. I don't want to be come a POLICE OFFICER!
I wonder who's the idiot who had so much free time to come up with this stupid table. Merely used to frighten people out of their shite.
I shake and quake in terror of being a member of the law enforcers. Can you imagine me as a police officer....
Police Amanda: "HEY YOU! Pick up your damn litter!"
offender: "Why?! Cannot ah! I want to throw mah!"
Police Amanda: "It's against the law eh! Fine $5000 you know!"
offender: "I know... But you don't tell, I don't tell... Who will know?!"
Police Amanda: "Of course I will tell! I am: A LAW ENFORCER"
offender: "Scared you ah!"
Offender: "Wah. She talk alot hor." He creeps away. Then starts running.
Police Amanda: "You're mother never teach you ahh... EH! STOP RUNNING!" Attempts to chase. "Ehh... I very tired. Whatever, run lo." I sit down and glare huffing and puffing.
Then I'll probably go on and on and on about how it's not right and shout a lot... The only way I'll ever catch him is by killing him with my deadly voice-that-can-kill-elderly-people. T.T Running makes me tired.
Oh the laziness of it all.
Thank God writing only asks for you to run around once in a blue moon.
- this coming from the girl who didn't want to collect her wallet from MacDonalds -
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
my phone
let me just warn you anti-pink people, COVER YOUR EYES!
My phone, is pinker than a pink pig.

gorgeous no? I was stunned by it I had to get it straightaway.
tsktsk manda, so impulsive! oh, that pretty display picture did not come with the phone, it's from deviantart.
the only flaw with it is that it can't play MP3 ringtones. Only as music tracks. Like WHAT?! right? sigh sigh... Well it's my shexy new phone that has taught me not to fear pink anymore. Oh the prettiness of it all!
VODAFONE 703SHF, you can go google it for it's specs and stuffs. I got mine from a yahoo auction. A very nice lady sold it to me.
- in hopes of a pink new future -
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Kenna tagg by NICOLE
1.If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
If he were right in front of me... I'd throw a huge scene, first I'll slap him, "How dare you cheat on me!" Then pull a oh-i-hurt-inside-face, you know, to gain sympathy, teehee. Then to humiliate him, "what about our daughter!?" Then I'll pull him to a corner, "hey fucker. You think i need you is it? Go die lah! Pull out his precious PSP from his pocket and crush it with my stiletto.
2.If you can have a dream to come true, what will it be?
Currently... My dream is to... MARRY PRINCE CASPIAN THE TENTH. BEN BARNES... So hawt. Sorry Jihan, he's way hotter than Peter and I DIG his Hispanic accent!
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
Seeing as my dream is to marry Prince Caspian. Obviously, our wedding would be at Narnia, with the nymphs and stuff playing harps as I walk down the isles in a medieval looking dress. Aww...Who am I kidding. The day that will happen will be the day the oceans froze over.
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Urm. Yes? Isn't that why there so many self-help books? But you know, it never hurt anyone to plan.5. What your ideal lover like?
didn't we just go through this?! PRINCE CASPIAN PRINCE CASPIAN! The dude with the charm that could sail a thousand ships! Tsk. Get with the program.6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved. Ah duh. Which rock did you crawl out from? Stoopid questions created to make someone feel uncomfortable.7.How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Dunno. Never tried. Why don't you tell me how it goes eh?
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Oh, die. Moan for a few days then move on to a new subject of like. See, Prince Caspian loves Susan. But I don't care. I've got Harry Potter.9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Uh, ya. SURVEYS! It's bad enough that we get bombarded by them on our way to the mall. But now we have to CREATE this spawn of the devil ourselves! What is the world coming to...10. Is being tagged fun?
Oh the joy that fills my heart.11. How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
I'll be like... 28 right? Working, as a journalist. Rushing a lot, still watching my drama on my laptop, with a larger DVD collection and tons of notebooks. Don't ask about marriage. Am too young to bother.12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
God, my family, my friends! Quite typical lurh, but that's how God created the world man.13. What kind of person do you think the one who tag you is?
Nicole... Is... A korean-boyband obsessed darling, who has to hand in her work like by tomorrow and isn't done. She's a good friend, straight-talking no nonsense girl. Goes straight to the point, i like. She's huggable.14. Would you rather be single&rich or married but poor?
Can i be married and rich? Well, the lesser of two evils would be single and rich.15. What is the first time you do every morning?
Brush my teeth. What else? You mean there are some people who DON'T brush their teeth first?! Oh gross.16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Depends on the relationship.17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Neither. Hope that something like in Zettai Kareshi happens. READ BOOK 6 YOU IDIOTS. The drama SUCKS. The manga ROCKS. Tsk.18. What type of friends do you like?
Friends who accept you for who you are.19. What type of friends do you dislike?
Friends who only pretend to be your friend so that they can seem popular and use you at times. Like hello. You're mother never teach you ah, do unto others what you want done unto you. You pretend to be my friend, when you drown, I save the jellyfish next to you instead.20. Who should tag?
Hah... Must tag ah... er.. can i say I'm lazy? Clara lor.- there are WEBSITES for useless surveys like this -