What a romantic title.
But it's the only way to describe the workload that us year 2s are given. Can you say, "
USELESS?" I am dead on my feet, and I am losing confidence in my writing.
Every, single, day, I sit in front of my computer (besides staring adoringly at Kevjumba) I am typing and typing and typing sheets and sheets of paper trying to finish all my work before the deadline.
Then, suddenly, out of the pile of shit i call homework. crawled out the most demoralizing news ever.
I found out, that Selvan had given out Lime Magazine writing jobs to three people in the course, BUT NOT ME!
ME! Who's ambition is to become a magazine writer.
ME! Who's been proclaiming to the world that sub-editing is the only way to go.
ME! Who defends the good and clean (i hope) name of writing!
What happened to passion? What happened to enthusiasm? Do those things not matter anymore?! WHY DIDN'T HE GIVE ME THE JOB *huffs puffs* this is the time someone shouts at me to get over myself and shut up.
BUT I WON'T! Because this is a blog, muahahaha you can't stop me plebeians!
So depressing.Obviously he has no confidence in my magazine writing skills (me who, by the way have an article in seventeen magazine) oh, who am I kidding, it was about FACIAL MASKS! So shallow. So... easy to do? NO CHALLENGE! NO IMPRESSIVE STORY!
I feel like this is a, "exit: by bear" moment. Except my bear is my despair at how lousy I am.
Ah well, I'll just have to start pushing my lumpy arse to the top of the writers hill, must work hard! Must work hard!
by the way, I just watched... What's that show called? Where everyone attempts painful suicides? OH!
Jackass. Courtesy of Darius Kong. Thanks very much, I have been educated in the stupidity of guys. I thought it could only go this high, but who knew it could go where noone has gone before?
The universe of the suicidally painful retards. Idiots.
- back to a shitload of work -